[Карта раздела]
[Безопасность. Ссылки]
4. DNS
4.1 Документация
4.2 Анализируем named-логи
4.3 Задачки
4.4 Правильно ли настроен ваш днс-сервер?
4.5 DNS-сервер т-о-р-м-о-з-ии-ттт ...
4.6 Полезное для установки bind
4.7 Bind-9.7.2-P3
4. DNS
09.07.2008. Массовое исправление DNS-серверов
02.02.2009. OpenSSL security advisory CVE-2008-5077 may affect BIND users. It is theoretically possible to spoof answers returned
from DNSSEC signed zones using the DNSKEY algorithms DSA (3) and NSEC3DSA (6).
4.1 Документация
- Настройка bind
- Руководство по настройке DNS сервера (BIND)
- BIND version 8.x
- DNS Extensions
- Bind vulnerabilities
- Secure BIND Template Version 3.6
- Статья "Securing DNS (Linux version)"
- Минимум необходимых усилий по защите DNS
- BEST DEFENSE | Beyond Ipchains
- DNS - Linux/
- Chroot для DNS
- Альтернатива bind - DJDNS [Источник]
- Самый быстрый DNS
- Настройка named (BIND/ name server). Кэширующий сервер, slave и master
- Observations of malformed dns messages - 29 Sept-20 Oct 2003 [Bugtraq]
- Attacking the DNS Protocol Security Paper [Bugtraq]
- Веб-интерфейс к DNS серверу [forum.opennet.ru]
- Защита сервера DNS[LinuxRSP.Ru: рассылка #289]
- Документация по настройке DNS[tcp.spb.ru]
- Secure BIND Template Version 4.1 17 NOV 2003
- Как правильно разместить DNS-сервер[ comp.soft.linux.linuxbegin]
- Bind9arm
- DNS как средство преодоления защиты [BugTraq: Обозрение #183, 03.08.2004]
- DHCP+DNS по шагам[comp.soft.linux.linuxbegin: Выпуск #1 (#63)]
- Secure the BIND Configuration [forum.opennet.ru]
- SETTING UP YOUR OWN DNS [comp.mail.sendmail]
- Basic DNS PTR Records And Why You Care [comp.mail.sendmail]
- How Reverse DNS Works or, "Almost a Reverse DNS FAQ" [comp.mail.sendmail]
- DNS/BIND: Create a basic zone file [comp.mail.sendmail]
- Setting up inverse DNS for SBC/Pacific*Bell Internet [comp.mail.sendmail]
- DNS Resources Directory
- Если убежал серийный номер зоны...
- This site will provide you with a DNS report for your domain
- O'Reilly DNS & BIND (4th ed)
- However, having multiple PTR records for the same IP address is generally not recommended unless there is a specific need...
Multiple PTR records can cause a couple of problems, including triggering bugs in programs that only expect there to ever be a single PTR record and, in the case of a large webserver, having hundreds of PTR records can cause the DNS packets to be much larger than normal.
- About multiple PTRs. It is possible for there to be multiple PTRs at a single reverse tree
node. In extreme cases, these multiple PTRs could cause a DNS
response to exceed the UDP limit, and fall back to TCP or otherwise
exceed the DNS protocol limits. Such a case could be one where the
advantages of reverse mapping are exceeded by the disadvantages of
the additional burden. This may be of particular significance for
"mass virtual hosting" systems, where many hostnames are associated
with a single IP.
- Does anyone know of an RFC that discusses this (hopefully, in our favor that
multiple PTRs for the same IP is not a good thing). They are not a good idea because they don't scale. In the
past large web hosters attempted to put a PTR record for
every virtual site on their servers. This ends up exceeding
the limits of normal query resolution support. You get
truncated TCP responses. You have to resort to AXFR to
retrieve the PTR records.
The DNS does not impose a order on returned records. If you
have multiple PTR records and you are trying to do access
control by name the application has to either list all the
names (if it looks at h_name) or try all the aliases. Not
all lookup mechanism supply all the names which inturn
leads to maintenance issues on the access lists.
Think of PTR records in the reverse tree as returning the
canonical name of the machine. Usually this would be the
name the machine knows itself as (fully qualified). If you
do this you won't break the API's for returning the name of
the machine based on the address
RFC1035 describes PTR records as a bit more general than just as
pointing to IPs. Rather, they merely point to other places in the DNS
hierarchy. The fact that they are mostly only used in reverse zones
with an IP's octet is kind of incidental from the RFC's point of view.
- DNS for Rocket Scientists This Open Source Guide is about DNS and (mostly) BIND 9.x on Linux (Fedora Core), BSD's (FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD) and Windows (Win 2K, XP, Server 2003). It is meant for newbies, Rocket Scientist wannabees and anyone in between.
- RFC1912. Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors. [Источник]
4.1 Boot file setup
Certain zones should always be present in nameserver configurations:
primary localhost localhost
primary 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa 127.0
primary 255.in-addr.arpa 255
primary 0.in-addr.arpa 0
These are set up to either provide nameservice for "special"
addresses, or to help eliminate accidental queries for broadcast or
local address to be sent off to the root nameservers. All of these
files will contain NS and SOA records just like the other zone files
you maintain, the exception being that you can probably make the SOA
timers very long, since this data will never change.
The "localhost" address is a "special" address which always refers to
the local host. It should contain the following line:
localhost. IN A
The "127.0" file should contain the line:
1 PTR localhost.
There has been some extensive discussion about whether or not to
append the local domain to it. The conclusion is that "localhost."
would be the best solution. The reasons given include:
"localhost" by itself is used and expected to work in some
Translating into "localhost.dom.ain" can cause some
software to connect back to the loopback interface when it didn't
want to because "localhost" is not equal to "localhost.dom.ain".
The "255" and "0" files should not contain any additional data beyond
the NS and SOA records.
Note that future BIND versions may include all or some of this data
automatically without additional configuration.
4.2 Анализируем логи named
4.3 Задачки
- Можно ли сделать так, чтобы при запросе одного доменного имени DNS сервер анализировал ip адреса того, кто запрашивает, и в зависимости от этого выдавал разные ip-адреса? [forum.opennet.ru]
pid-file "/etc/bind/named.pid";
dump-file "/var/log/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/log/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/log/named_mem_stats.txt";
options {
directory "/etc/bind";
pid-file "/etc/bind/named.pid";
dump-file "/var/log/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/log/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/log/named_mem_stats.txt";
rndc dumpdb -cache
rndc stats
вообщем, rndc --help
4.4 Правильно ли настроен ваш днс-сервер?
4.5 DNS-сервер т-о-р-м-о-з-ии-ттт ...
- Проблема именно в наличии двух ДНС-серверов в ДМЗ, когда у одного из них два
айпишника. Структура сети была такова, что при потребности разрешить имя из другого домена, днс-запрос посылался второму серверу,
где формировался ответ и пытался вернуться на второй айпишиник первого днс-сервера %), начиналась какая-то котовасия
(плюс между серверами стоит ASA) и в итоге порождался этакий DNS-шторм из DNS-запросов и ответов (как бы коряво это не звучало).
Запретил встречные форварды и все! Опять загрузка ЦП порядка 0,1%. [forum.opennet.ru]
- Моя собственная проблема с тормозами DNS была в уровне логирования debug, который был включен накануне поздно вечером для отладки кое-каких моментов и благополучно забыт.
Зато в на след. день, когда юзеры часов в 11 утра "проснулись", нарисовалась точно такая же картина, какую вы описываете.
Кроме того запись на HDD на сист. блоке просто не гасла, named успел накрутить около 1Gb лога.
4.6 Полезное для установки bind
4.7 Bind-9.7.2-P3
- Where is managed-keys.bind (managed-keys-zone ./IN: loading from master file managed-keys.bind failed: file not found)? touch managed-keys.bind
19. Обратная связь
Страница создана 2 июня 2001г.
Последнее обновление: 15 февраля 2010 г.
Замечания, вопросы, комментарии: sciurus@mail.ru
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